東京都認証 特定非営利活動法人


Japan Society of Professional Engineers

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2018年ラスベガスNSPE HOD における JSPE スピーチ

Remarks on NSPE PE Conference House of Delegates
July 21 2018 at Caesar Palace Hotel, Las Vegas USA

Thank you Michael (Atkinson), Tom (Roberts) and all participants to this valuable annual meeting.
Beginning of last month, we were honored to have Mr. and Mrs. Roberts in our 18th annual meeting in Tokyo. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Roberts for sharing your precious time and giving valuable suggestions during our assembly meeting.
In 1996, US PE exam was made open to Japanese engineers, and JSPE was incorporated as a non-governmental body authorized by Tokyo Metropolitan government in 2000. Now, we have approx. 350 Japanese individuals who are licensed or seeking to be licensed in any state of Unites States.
The major topic of this PE Conference, Threats to Engineering Licensure, is by large part applicable also to Japanese society. In addition to this big issue, we JSPE bears other important role. That is to bridge the Japanese national engineer certification system to US PE licensure system and other international engineering licensure system. For that purpose, we promote domestic engineers, mainly working in industry, to take FE and PE exam administered in Japan by JPEC, our sister organization, and NCEES, went into partnership agreement with JABEE, Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education, in 2016, as well as continues to provide membership service under the current slogan “Cross and Bridge Technical Disciplines”.
If you have interest in our activities, please visit our website jspe.org.
By strengthen the engineering licensure system, we can properly handle the maintenance of aging infra-structure, establish the optimal mixing of fossil fuel, nuclear fuel and renewable energy, and the quality verification of manufactured products. That is what we believe as NSPE does.
Finally we congratulate this always fruitful conference, and hope continuing success of NSPE and member state societies.
Thank you.
Takeya Kawamura on behalf of Japan Society of Professional Engineers


(和文抄訳 : ロバーツ前会長夫妻へ、東京JSPE総会へ参加頂きありがとうございました。
JSPEは米州PE登録を行っている、あるいはそれを目指す日本人エンジニアが集まったNPO団体で2000年に設立された。 技術者ライセンスへの脅威というこの総会での主要トピックは、大部分が日本社会にも当てはまるものだ。 JSPEはこの問題に加え、国内技術者資格と米国PEシステムおよび他の国際資格との橋渡しを行うという重要な役割を担っており、その観点からNCEES/JPECが日本で実施するPE/FE試験受験の奨励およびJABEEとの協業協定締結を行っている。今年度の活動スローガンは「技術分野をまたう、つなぐ」である。 技術者ライセンス制度を強化することにより、経年劣化したインフラの維持、最適なエネルギミックス、工業製品の品質検証といった課題を適切に取り扱うことができると信じる。
NSPE本部および各州協会の益々の発展を祈念いたします。 )