開催日程:2022年 12月 11日(日) 9:30~12:30
参加費 :無償(JSPE会員)、3,000円(非会員)
講師 :Colin Dale氏
CPD :3PDHを提供
会場 : Web(Zoom)のみ
申し込み締切 :2022年 12月 8日(木)
In this seminar we’ll learn about famous Canadian engineering companies and some of the engineers associated with them. For each company we’ll learn:
・Its founder(s)
・When and where it started
・Its original line of engineering
・The type(s) of engineering it does today
・Some notable projects and achievements
・Interesting facts about it
・How to get a job there
In each hour of the seminar we’ll learn about a few companies in different fields of engineering. Then you’ll be put into breakout rooms. Everyone will look for at least one job that they think they would be qualified for. You’ll present the details of your job to your group. Each group will choose the most interesting job to present to the whole seminar. Fields of engineering, companies, and associated engineers (preliminary list, subject to change)
●Telecommunications engineering
〇Bell Canada
■Alexander Graham Bell
〇Rogers Communications
■Edward S. Rogers Sr.
■Ted Rogers
●Mechanical engineering
■Joseph Bombardier
●Aeronautical engineering
〇Pratt & Whitney Canada
〇World Aviation Corporation
〇Avro (maybe)
●Nuclear Engineering
〇Canadian Nuclear Laboratories
〇Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
●Electrical engineering
〇Canadian General Electric
〇(Placeholder for another company to be decided later)
●Mining engineering
〇Hatch Ltd
〇Canadian Natural Resources (CNRL)
●Civil engineering
〇(Placeholder for companies to be chosen later)
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JSPE members can join this seminar free of charge. The PAY NOW WITH PAYPAL button appearing after submitting an application form is for non-members only.
The seminar is delivered through ZOOM. An attendance guide (受講要領) including the URL of the seminar is going to be sent to applicants a few days before the seminar. It’s recommended to set your device in advance by accessing https://zoom.us/test so you can attend the seminar on time.
Your applications are infrequently not recorded on our website due to a bug. If the attendance guide is not delivered to your email by the day before the seminar, please report to education.2007●jspe.org. (Substitute @ with ●.)
参加費のお支払いはPaypalでのクレジットカード払いのほか、銀行振込でも受け付けております。Paypalでのお支払いをご希望の方は上の「参加申し込み」のタブから申し込みフォーム送信後に現れる「PAY NOW WITH PAYPAL」 のボタンをクリックしてお手続きページに進んでお支払いください。
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特定非営利活動法人 日本プロフェッショナルエンジニア協会
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店番号 019
当座 0449293