東京都認証 特定非営利活動法人


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【実施報告】FY2019 第5回エンジニアズサロン

日時:2020年4月22日(水) 19:00~20:00





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テーマ:「それなら自分でつくろう」-Current Status and Future Possibilities of Powder and Granule Business and Technology-
THEME: “Then MAKE it yourself” – Current Status and Future Possibilities of Powder and Granule Business and Technology-
From the Lecturer: I would like to introduce my unique career path and plan as a successor of our family business in the field of Japanese powder and granule handling machine manufacturer. Powder and bulk handling technology can be described as an unsung huge contributor for the material world. My presentation will be told from these 3 perspectives: (1)Extreme technological capability in the niche market (2)My experiences: Internship in Swansea University in UK, participation and organizing international forums with excellent people from all over the world, working in DuPont Japan, collaboration work of organizing Japan-China experts forum in the powder and granule handling industry with Professor of Tsinghua University (3)What I think of future possibilities of our business and technology toward innovation.
講師:岩子泰生 会員
日時:2020年4月22日(水) 19:00~20:00
CPD:1 hr
ウェブ聴講参加費:500円 (JSPE会員限定)